Tips For Filing an Insurance Claim After a Hurricane

Hurricanes can cause some serious damage to homes and commercial properties alike. If your home has been damaged by a hurricane, it’s important to know the steps you should take to file an insurance claim. This can help ease some of your anxiety during the recovery process. Here are some top tips for filing an insurance claim after a hurricane.

Contact the Insurance Company as Soon as Possible

It’s important to try as much as possible to be safe after a hurricane. Even if you’re handy, the damage caused by hurricanes can make simple repair jobs a lot more dangerous than they appear. Instead of trying to fix things up immediately, the first thing you need to do after a hurricane is to contact your insurance provider. This is the first step in ensuring that you have a repair plan that’s in line with your policy.

When you contact your insurer, you need to be ready to provide an accurate description of the damage. You should also tell the insurer about any personal circumstances that may require that you get priority. One of the things you should find out from your insurer is when you can expect an adjuster to come to assess the storm damage. It’s advisable to try and get your adjuster’s supervisor’s contact details as well. That way, you will have an additional contact person.

Document the Losses

To file an accurate claim, you must document the damage to your property. The more details you have, the easier it will be for your agent to assist you. A great idea would be to take photographs of all your damaged items and areas. You should also list the estimated value, date of purchase, and the type and extent of damage sustained.

When taking pictures, ensure that there is plenty of light. You should also take images from as many angles as possible. You will want to capture the identifying details like model numbers and brand names. Having enough visual evidence can go a long way when it comes to making your claims process smoother and getting an accurate reimbursement. You should also check with your insurance company before discarding any damaged materials. The adjusters may want to see them.

Sign Up For Text Alerts

It’s crucial to stay updated during the claims process. A good idea would be to sign up for SMS alerts. The majority of reliable insurance companies use SMS messaging to keep you updated about the status of your claim. The first text message will come when you first report the claim, and you will get another one when the estimate is available. You will also receive a message informing you that the payment has been made.

Record Every Step

Record keeping is crucial when filing a claim. It’s important to ensure that you have a list of everyone you talk to about your claim. Note every name, title, and contact details. You should also keep track of the communication dates, times, and what you talked about. The more organized you are, the easier the claims process will be.

Communicate With the Insurer Every Step of the Way

While you may feel like starting to put your home back together right away is the right thing to do, did you know that this can actually affect the outcome of your claim? This is why you need to communicate with your insurance company first before you make any permanent or temporary fixes. They will help you determine what you can patch up now and what damages should wait until after the claim has been approved.

Your insurance company will also provide information about what other extra benefits your policy provides. For instance, things like temporary relocation coverage and hotel stay. Also, remember to hang on to every receipt so you can find out which expenses can be made part of the claim.

Interested in Free Inspection for Hurricane-Damaged Roofs?

Filing a claim after a hurricane is not too difficult. However, you need to be extremely organized, and you should stay in touch with your insurer so you know what to do and what not to do. Are you looking for a Roofing Company St. Augustine / Roof Repair to help you repair damage caused by a hurricane? Schedule a free inspection today and we will help you figure out how to go about things.